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HomeCraftsCameraVatican – The Hidden World Relies on Sachtler

Vatican – The Hidden World Relies on Sachtler


Richard Ladkani accompanied journalist Gudrun Sailer with his camera and the artemis through the Vatican cemetery Campo Santo Teutonico. (© Holger Fleig)
Director and screenwriter Richard Ladkani spent almost three years working on his unprecedented documentary about the Vatican. The film is a fascinating look into a mostly hidden world, following the stories of eight protagonists, some of whom are very close to the Pope – including an altar boy, the Pope’s photographer, one of the Papal bodyguards, the astronomer of the Vatican Observatory and a Radio Vatican journalist.

For some shoots, he worked with the artemis DV Pro MD from Sachtler, (a Vitec Group brand). The artemis camera stabilizer system ensures perfectly balanced camera movements.

Ladkani and his team received a half-hour film permit for the most sacred place in the Vatican – the Necropolis underneath St. Peter’s Basilica. They accompanied a cardinal who led them through the Necropolis. The footage taken during this tour is one of the highlights of the documentary Vatican – The Hidden World. Ladkani used the artemis DV Pro MD camera stabilizer system from Sachtler, outfitted with a Sony EX3 for filming in the intricate centuries-old corridors.

Over fifty days of shooting were spread out over the course of a year. The team travelled to Rome more than 12 times to shoot. For Ladkani, the smallest state in the world is one of the most complex shooting locations ever.

Richard Ladkani while filming in the necropolis underneath St. Peter's Basilica. (© Christian Klehr).
“There is no other place where access is so limited, or where you need as many permits as here,” said Ladkani. That’s why it was so important to him to have a camera support that offered as much flexibility as possible. “Sometimes, they simply retracted film permits right before we started filming without giving any reasons. If we had already laid rails for a dolly, all of the preparation would have been for nothing, since it could take days until we were granted a new film permit and were able to continue.” For this reason, the artemis camera stabilizer system was twice as valuable. On the one hand, the team profited from a noticeable time-saving factor while preparing, as the camera stabilizer system is immediately ready for use in various places as soon as it is set up. Many shoots had to be done within a very limited amount of time. On the other hand, the artemis can also easily be used in narrow rooms and corridors.

“A third of the Vatican consists of magnificent time-honored buildings that are in turn connected by kilometer-long subterranean passageways and corridors for the most part,” explained Ladkani. Some of the protagonists move through this labyrinth daily. To cinematically accompany them, Ladkani worked with the artemis DV Pro MD. “With it, we were able to follow cardinals and altar boys for several hundred meters through St. Peter’s Basilica to the Vatican Grottoes, to be guided by the prefect through the bunker of the Vatican Secret Archives, and to accompany the conservators through the endless collections of the Vatican museums.”

He learned to use the camera stabilizer system at the Wendelin Sachtler Academy. “During numerous workshops with the artemis systems developer, Curt Schaller, I became acquainted with the artemis. Without it, a lot of the footage wouldn’t have been possible, not least because of the spatial conditions.” For this reason, Ladkani describes the use of the artemis as an “essential stylistic device” of his documentary.

The film was produced by teamWorx and Bavarian Broadcasting in cooperation with the BBC, National Geographic and France2.

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Vicon Introduces Mobile Mocap at SIGGRAPH

Motion capture systems developer Vicon is previewing a futuristic new “Mobile Mocap” technology at SIGGRAPH 2011 in Vancouver. Moving mocap out of the lab and into the field, Vicon's Mobile Mocap system taps several new technologies, many years in the making. At the heart of Mobile Mocap is a very small lipstick-sized camera that enables less obtrusive, more accurate facial animation data. The new cameras capture 720p (1280X720) footage at 60 frames per second. In addition, a powerful processing unit synchronizes, stores, and wirelessly transmits the data, all in a tiny wearable design.