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HomeCraftsCameraMichael Goi Re-Elected ASC President

Michael Goi Re-Elected ASC President


Michael Goi, ASC has been re-elected for a second term. (Photo by Douglas Kirkland).
Michael Goi, ASC has been re-elected for a second term. (Photo by Douglas Kirkland).

Michael Goi, ASC has been elected to serve a second term as president of the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC). The other officers are vice presidents Richard Crudo, Owen Roizman and John C. Flinn, III; treasurer Matthew Leonetti; secretary Rodney Taylor; and sergeant at arms Ron Garcia.

Members elected to serve on the ASC Board of Governors include John Bailey, Stephen Burum, Curtis Clark, George Spiro Dibie, Richard Edlund, Stephen Lighthill, Isidore Mankofsky, Daryn Okada, Robert Primes, Nancy Schreiber, Kees Van Oostrum, Haskell Wexler and Vilmos Zsigmond.

“Being elected to serve a second term as ASC president is a great honor and a privilege,” says Goi. “At a time when so much is going on in the industry, this is a tremendous vote of confidence that this body of incredible artists believes in my vision of where the ASC, and the art and craft of cinematography, is going in the future.”

Goi notes that the ASC’s foremost objective is educating aspiring filmmakers and others about the art and craft of cinematography. In addition to its focus on education, the organization is actively involved in the development of motion picture technologies. It also works to promote a better understanding of the cinematographer’s contributions to the filmmaking process. Last year, the ASC partnered with the PGA to produce the Camera Assessment Series, a groundbreaking study of film and digital cameras currently in use for theatrical motion pictures. The society has also collaborated with industry professionals and organizations, exemplified by their participation in the Joint Technology Subcommittee on Previsualization with the Art Directors Guild (ADG), Visual Effects Society (VES) and PGA, which led to the formation of the Previsualization Society.

The ASC recently completed the renovation and expansion of its historic Hollywood clubhouse to accommodate larger meetings of members and guests. The house was built in 1903. ASC purchased the private home and converted it to a clubhouse in 1936.

“The clubhouse is where all the magic originates,” Goi adds. “It comes from the exchange of ideas we share in the casual atmosphere where the history of cinematography truly lives.”

Goi is a Chicago native who studied filmmaking at Columbia College in his hometown. He launched his career shooting PBS documentaries while he was still a student. After completing his education in 1980, Goi began shooting local commercials and documentaries. He also opened a studio, where he concentrated on fashion and product still photography. Goi earned his first narrative film credit for Moonstalker in 1987.

He has subsequently earned some 50 narrative credits for feature films and episodic television programs. Goi earned ASC Outstanding Achievement Awards nominations for the telefilms The Fixer (1999) and Judas (2005) and an Emmy nomination for an episode of My Name is Earl (2009).

His other credits include Witless Protection, Fingerprints, Red Water, What Matters Most, Who Killed Atlanta’s Children?, Christmas Rush, Funky Monkey, Welcome to Death Row, The Dukes, the Emmy Award-winning documentary Fired-Up: The Story of Public Housing in Chicago, and the TV series The Wedding Bells and The Mentalist. He also recently wrote, produced, and directed the narrative film Megan is Missing.

Goi is a member of both the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the Academy of Television Arts And Sciences, and serves on the National Executive Board of the International Cinematographers Guild.

ASC was founded in 1919. There are 300-plus active members today who have national roots in some 20 countries. There are also 150 associate members from ancillary segments of the industry.

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Vicon Introduces Mobile Mocap at SIGGRAPH

Motion capture systems developer Vicon is previewing a futuristic new “Mobile Mocap” technology at SIGGRAPH 2011 in Vancouver. Moving mocap out of the lab and into the field, Vicon's Mobile Mocap system taps several new technologies, many years in the making. At the heart of Mobile Mocap is a very small lipstick-sized camera that enables less obtrusive, more accurate facial animation data. The new cameras capture 720p (1280X720) footage at 60 frames per second. In addition, a powerful processing unit synchronizes, stores, and wirelessly transmits the data, all in a tiny wearable design.